About Us » About Us

About Us

Mission Statement

Southeastern staff will use best practices to teach children the state curriculum standards. Ongoing classroom assessment is used to determine student achievment and to adjust individual instruction.

Vision Statement

Southeastern Elementary School strives for high expectations of academic achievement and citizenship. Through collaboration of staff, students, and parents we will embrace a shared responsibility in education.

Value Statement

1. Collaborate to improve student learning.
Continue to work on the best teaching practices through professional development and professional learning communities.
Work at grade level to get parents involved in learning.
Use current data to drive grade-level discussions and lesson-development.

2. Professional Development for staff members.
Research best practices to drive curriculum changes.
District support for professional Development.

3. Become a school that the community thinks highly of.
Teach students to gather, use and apply information.
Teach students to become well rounded learners.
Maintain a positive school culture through dedication and enthusiasm.

4. Improving Academic Standards.
Raise standardized test scores. Through rigorous standards and high expectations.
Continue to lead the Hastings Area School System in the use and implementation of technology in the classrooms.
Prepare students to enter the Middle School eager to learn.

5. Increase community involvement.
Increase after school activities
Increase the size of our PTO